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5 Simple Festive Season Swaps To Keep You On Track.

5 Simple Festive Season Swaps To Keep You On Track.

The festive party season is every clean eaters or dieters worst nightmare BUT really there are some simple swaps you can make to not only keep you on track but also to help you not feel guilty. 

You have worked hard and you deserve to have fun with family and friends without restricting yourself because of your diet. Instead of fearing all the social events enjoy them, make some smart choices and don’t feel guilty if you don’t get to the gym everyday you have planned to. One thing I see so many of my clients doing is trying to “exercise out” their treats or over indulgencies – this leads to over exercise and will cause injury and lack of results. Instead stick to your planned workouts and don’t go overboard.

Here are 5 swaps you can do that are so easy:

1. Alcohol – G & Diet tonic/ Vodka coke – ditch the festive mulled wine or baileys hot chocolates and grab a spirit with diet mixer. With Christmas party’s it can be hard to avoid the alcohol but you don’t need to, you can more than half the calories your drinking with just a simple swap.
2. Veggies – Add a side of green veg or salad and drop the roast potatoes or fries. Everyone loves a good meal out at Christmas but there are so many smart choices you cam make when eating out to help stay on track.
3. Chocolate and mince pies – have them! I couldn’t do Christmas without them but have 1 and then opt for some fruit – don’t go crazy but don’t go cold turkey either!
4. Crisps, dips and nibbles – this is where people often indulge the most, so try and have yoghurt dips and veggie sticks, and opt for the veggie or meat nibbles instead of crisps and pastry.
5. Water – swap dehydration for 3 litres a day! You can really prevent overeating and limit the sluggish overindulgent feeling by drinking water regularly throughout the day, aim to drink 3 litres a day and you really will feel the difference. When your busy and running around it’s too easy to forget to drink – carry a bottle with you.
My biggest tip would be to keep moving, go for walks when you can and if your stuck for time to go to the gym do a little home workout – if you need any inspiration take a look at my Instagram where I post tons of no equipment home workouts that can be done in 20 minutes anywhere!
If you take one thing from this is should be to NOT feel guilty for the festive indulgencies and ENJOY this Christmas with your friends and family!
Happy Christmas

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