The push, pull, legs routine is a workout split loved for it’s simplicity. The aim is very similar to an even simpler upper and lower workout split, however by adding in an extra workout for the two different types of upper body movements, your body is allowed more time to recover, and therefore allow you more time in which to recover. With more time to recover, you are able to push your body harder during each workout, therefore maximising your performance and work capacity.
- Day 1: Push
- Day 2: Pull
- Day 3: Legs
Your Push movements focus mainly on your upper body pushing muscles, such as your pecs, triceps and shoulders. Your Pull movements focus on your Biceps, Back and the leg movements focus on your Legs, more specifically your calves, quads and hamstrings.
Where this program is superior to an body part split is down to the way your muscles work in pairs. With a PPL split you are able to smash your triceps one day, knowing you’ll be able to do the same to your Biceps a few days later and still have at least a couple of days to recover depending on your training frequency.
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